STRUCTURE STABILITY TEST: In India there are many old buildings which have reduced strength in due course of time. If further use of such deteriorated structure is continued it may endanger the lives of the occupants and surrounding habitation. Appropriate actions should then be implemented to improve the performance of structures and restore the desired function of structures. Thus, it is utmost important to perform structural audit of existing buildings and to implement maintenance/ repair work timely which will lead to prolonged life of the building and safety of the occupant. To act more responsible and preemptive towards the dilapidated buildings, the municipal corporation must issue notices to the buildings and co-operative societies which are more than 30 years old to carry out mandatory structural audit and submit the audit report. Structural audit should highlight and investigate all critical areas and recommend immediate remedial and preventive measures. It should cover the structural analysis of existing frame and find critical elements for all types of loadings. It also helps in delivering a strong building structure with cost effective solutions and appropriate maintenance program. This paper deals with study of different parameter of structural audit including visual inspection, non-destructive testing, core sampling and testing. It also emphasizes on different repairs and retrofitting measures to be used for buildings after structural audit.
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